Friday, May 27, 2005

Forward the Evil Empire!

Okay, it's announcement time. Today, I signed an agreement to buy out a small restaurant downtown. For a rather reasonable sum, I acquire their business including a good assortment of kitchen equipment, furniture, supplies of great variety, and hopefully their clientele. I take possession of everything on June 1st, and the previous owner is willing to help me out through the week getting the hang of things. I've already lined up my niece Kayleen to be my unofficial partner/Dark Queen of the Fry Basket (being married now, she's no longer qualified for Dark Princess), and between the two of us I'm pretty sure we can have a lot of fun and turn an already-decent lunch cafe into something really interesting (and profitable). At any rate, this is my shot at a dream, and while I'm scared spitless at times I'm gonna give it my best. Anyhoo, as I get the chance I will be posting updates and pictures of my new place and its probably slow transformation from Union Jack's British & American Lunch to The Ogre's Den Breakfast, Lunch, Dessert, and COOKIE! Note to self - find a milk supplier.

In the meantime, I will still be doing the Farmer's Market on weekends. There's not enough downtown lunch business to justify being open on weekends, so I'll at least be able to somewhat relax two days a week... Anyhoo, gotta go look at an oven in an hour, an Evil Emperor's work is never done - at least not until he gets sufficient minions to delegate everything.


At 6:38 AM, Blogger Thom said...

Duuuuuuude! I...Uh....Duuuuuuuuude! Or, to quote the CEO of my company, "Wwwwow!"

That is so scarily cool! You can do it. But boy, you don't do nothin' halfway, do you! :-)

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Benneducci said...

Well, remember what Miyagi-san said. "Be in business yes, or be in business no. Be in business maybe...squish like grape!"

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Your Host said...

Congratulations, Ron. I hope this dream of yours can really come true.


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