Wednesday, June 22, 2005

All Hail the Evil Chip Shop Owner!

Heh, just realized it's been a while since I last posted. Life's going okay, I guess, no major catastrophes and a few really cool things. We had taiko drummers at the farmer's market last week, which most definitely rocked. My boothspace is in the perfect locations to hear whatever music comes to the market, and the drummers set up right next to me. Okay, so I'm a sucker for short Japanese women pounding on big honking drums, but frankly I loved the whole experience. Don't get me wrong, there are many things I prefer about America over Japan, but sometimes I wonder if our culture is really lacking a few things because of our relative youth. I admire what I perceive to be the Japanese ability to devote themselves whole-heartedly to an activity and perfect it. On the other hand, there are a lot of things about their culture (subway gropers, the cult of kawaii, shonen-ai manga) that disturb me. Perhaps someday I will have the confidence and understanding to take the things I admire about different cultures and assimilate them into my own way of living without having to adopt any of the things that scare me. As Alan Parsons used to say, "when I'm old and wise..."

Anyhoo, the shop is doing okay, I guess. It's still slower than it ought to be, but we're getting the last of the paperwork taken care of. The biggest change is that I'm getting used to things. I don't flip out in a panic quite so often, and while I'm not gonna (lie and) say I believe that success is inevitable, I will say that I'm gonna do what I can and see it through to the end. If we can hang in there until the fall, the high school business will float us back up over the profit mark I think. And with a little luck and the right actions, perhaps we can increase the regular business to get there before school lets in... At the very least there's two big parades next month and I'm pretty sure both of them will be running right past the shop. A few trays of cookies and root beer floats at the right time could go a long way...

Bleh... I just hope I don't let this joint become my entire life, though... I don't have the dedication for it.


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