Thursday, July 21, 2005


Err, the hamburgers we serve are 100% beef. Honest!

The temptation, however, to pound my (former) suppliers into meat paste and grill them up for lunch is strong. Monday, the regional rep from US Foods visited to introduce the new local rep. So we sat and talked and they acted all buddy-buddy. Later that day I placed an order for a couple boxes of fries, as I knew I'd need them soon. Tuesday, no fries. Wednesday, no fries. Both times I call in and politely leave messages to reiterate my order. Today, still no fries and a message on the answering machine saying that US Foods no longer wants to do business with me because I don't order 200 bucks' worth of stuff at one time. Look, I can understand their costs, but waiting three days to tell me? Any reputable company would have gotten me my freaking fries and then said "sorry, we can't afford to keep on like this." Of course today my supply of fries ran out and I lost business because of it, this is exactly what I was trying to avoid by ordering well ahead. I'm getting other supplies lined up, but if anything goes wrong tomorrow I'll be up a creek. Grr...


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