Monday, July 04, 2005

Muah ha ha ha haaaaa! And oh yeah, Happy Independence Day...

::countless evil minions and flunkies pump their fists in the air while chanting "EVIL OVERLORD" loudly::

Today, the Evil Overlord's Cafe o' Doom utterly rocked the cashbox. Rather than take the holiday off like most everyone else, we decided to celebrate the true spirit of America and get down with our capitalistic selves. We sold donuts and OJ to the people setting up for the 4th of July parade, we sold more donuts and OJ to the people along the parade route, we handed out flyers to everyone who would stand still for two seconds together, and we sold lunch. Boy howdy, did we sell lunch. We sold lunch like I would not believe. We sold lunch until we more or less ran out of lunch. I'm not kiddig either, we're completely out of several key food items, if our suppliers didn't get our message in time to get a delivery out to us tomorrow then we just won't be able to open. Hard to run a restaurant with just three hot dogs and a dozen hamburger patties... Anyway, this is the best day Union Jack's has had since I took over. I hope we can make something of a habit of it. :)

Tonight, I intend to sit back, relax, and gloat while watching a movie. To heck with fireworks...


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A happy day indeed! Let's hear it for capitalism!

Glad to hear it. I was wondering how it went.

Way to feed the masses! Right arm, Brother, right arm.

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Thom said...

Wonderful! That's the sort of problem restaurants love to have! Here's hoping this is the start of a beautiful trend!

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Benneducci said...

Well, I'm not gonna call it a trend, but today we had a really good day, nice and steady and well past the break-even line. Tomorrow there's a classic car rally downtown, so who knows, two days may become three... ::knocks on Sam's piano::


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